The ULTIMATE SUBITISING RESOURCE containing multiple representations helping learners to visualise and represent mathematical thinking in a variety of ways. This provides young learners with plenty of opportunities to develop a DEEP SENSE OF NUMBER.
This is PRINT and PLAY DOWNLOAD. You will have to print this resource (in colour) onto A4 paper or card.
What's included in this dowload:
- 120 A6 Flashcards deck with multiple representations
- 10 versions of Same but Different
- 2 Subitising Roll, Think, Solve (36 representations)
A word, if I may, about copywrite:
Most product licenses on FLUENCYWITHNUMBERS allow the use of the product by ONE grown up and their children. If you are a teacher, feel free to make as many copies as you need for your class. Please do not sell this PRINT and PLAY download or file. If additional grown ups are going to be using a resource you have purchased from FLUENCYWITHNUMBERS, then please consider referring them to buy their own games/print and play files.
That said, if you’re printing decks to give them away to anyone for whom the purchase would be a financial hardship, please continue sharing them.