Our hour long workshop explores the most effective way to teach young children how to become fluent with numbers, based on current educational research and leading-edge classroom practice—rather than whatever ‘scheme’ may be in the classroom cupboard! This is the course you wish you’d had when you did your teacher training.
Our training aims to provide:
The research and evidence to encourage teachers to reflect on their classroom practice and pedagogy
Practical ideas, activities and resources that teachers can implement immediately
The inspiration to change practice and maximise impact to improve motivation and achievement for all
Course Content will include:
- Early Numeracy Concepts (GROUPITISING, Subitising, Verbal Counting, Object Counting, and Cardinality) and Number Relationships (Spatial Relationships and reasoning, One/Two More & Less, Benchmarking Numbers, and Part-Part-Whole).
- Strategies to help build children's FLEXIBILITY - the missing link in building fluency with numbers.
- The opportunity to explore TOOLS, TASKS and TALK and consider how they can be interwoven throughout children's daily experiences and used to build number fluency.
Training is delivered by Janey Ross who is an experienced school leader and practitioner who works with schools and their parent partners to promote deep, visual learning learning to help build fluency. She has written and designed a pioneering range of number resources and is the founder of FLUENCY WITH NUMBERS.
Exclusive to your Early years Educational Setting and school staff; training will be via Google Meet. The online option is flexible and can accommodate dates/times to suit. £100 for 1hour.
Suitable for: Nursery and Primary Teaching Practitioners, SMT, Additional Support Teachers, Early Years Practitioners, Classroom Assistants, and anyone who supports children with number at any stage.
To arrange an online event, or if you have any questions or want to ensure the training is more bespoke to your setting please email: hello@fluencywithnumbers.com